Monday, November 3, 2014

Today I am writing to let you know that I am basing my management style on a book I just read.  When I say, "I just read," what I really mean is that I like the title.  Okay, part of the title.  The book is, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," and you can forget the "erpillar" part.

I want you all to embrace this new direction in what we are all trying to do, which is provide me with more food.  Actually it is not a new direction.  Only my approach has changed, which has gone from one of subtle hints and sultry looks to one of coherent, forceful demands.  You could say we're going from "Good" to "Great", but I sure as hell never said that.

I don't want you to buy this book, because money spent on books will never buy cat food.  Nor do I really care if you read it; just get the freaking message and feed me!

Remember, many great thinkers throughout history have puzzled over the meaning of the word, "Excellence."  Where did it get them?  They're all dead now.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

This new communication channel will be a platform for my continued communication with all of you – my subjects. When I first found out about blogs, I thought of it more as a way for me to reach out, but now I realize that this can create another highly valuable opportunity for me to get fed on time. So please do not hesitate to feed me with your love and worship, and of course those small cans of meat. I will also from time to time ask for your opinion in order to have a good laugh at your expense.

My ambition is to post at least two posts every week, but hey, I'm a cat so who knows?  I may forget about this entirely in the next hour. I will give you my take on ongoing activities, share photos and give you an insight into "the life of a cat" and other things not requiring quotation marks. This is an attempt to improve my way of communication. To improve, it means to get better. You know that, right? Humans are notoriously ignorant so I thought I'd check. We are right now on the threshold of implementing a number of major changes to the way you worship me, but more about that later. Or maybe not.

We all act differently when we are presented to change, but we all react in one way or another. That sounds kind of obvious now that I say it. Think, for example, how you might react if I were to suddenly pounce on you and devour your leg, the way male cats often do for no apparent reason. Are you frustrated? Of course you are, and plenty angry, too. But kick a cat and you die a thousand deaths followed by an eternity in a hell worse than your worst nightmare. There is always some level of discomfort accompanying change.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.  For example, when I twist my head and look at things upside-down, the whole world BECOMES upside-down.  Really, trust me on this one.